Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Slashdot | Aluminum Foil Hats Will Not Stop "Them"

Slashdot | Aluminum Foil Hats Will Not Stop "Them": "Aluminum Foil Hats Will Not Stop 'Them'"
Damn! Foiled again!
And I have to find a new hat, this one was always more utilitarian than aesthetic anyway. Also, tell it brother!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

I have joined netflixs

Yep, the slection in this town sucks worse than I don't know what so I've finally joined netflixs. I'm all excited soon titles like "Barbarella", "Time Bandits", and "Zardoz" will fill my mail box and it'll be fantastic.

I spent thanks giving with my uncles in-laws and learned about a man who leaped from his deer stand to wrestle down and hog tie a buck. Just to see if he could do it. He then went on to kill a 10 foot allegator with a spear, he ruined his boat but landed the allegator, he's my new hero.

I also found these little pasta like wheels that "plump" in the micrrowave and taste like port rinds. They were 40 cents, I couldn't resist. They are the weirdest things ever! And they do! No water needed but they expand like the little capsules you stick in water and then get a dinosaur remember? It was sooo weird.

I only have two weeks of school left and then I'm comming to MN for 2 1/2 weeks starting on the 19th of December so I'll see you then!

Friday, November 25, 2005

We're back!

Pictures will be forthcoming!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Drasticly Changing My Diet

So I decided that I don't like the way I eat, frozen pizzas, PB&J and the occasional Salad just isn't good enough. But I hate to cook and I hate cleaning up even more. So I decided on the lazy woman's diet raw and living foods! Ha, oven you thought you could rule my life, but no more! I'm so pumped I asked for a food processor for Christmas. tee hee.

Monday, November 21, 2005

My Real Job

So, today was my first day at my new job. Yay. I can actually hear myself, I and me think. I can already see, however, who is going to be a problem. "Okay Kevin, I can friggin' hear you in the next room-NOW ANSWER YOUR DAMN PHONE! Arghhh...
But, all in all, it went very well. I'm going to like it-I think. No, everyone is very nice and it's pretty straightforward. I loved not digging through a deli case of food, not standing in front of open chicken rotisserie doors (after 2 hours of flame-on cooking), and no customers in my face about there's-no-turkey-meatloaf-today!? I am sure that I will have all sorts of new and humorous details of how I would like to remove somone's entrails.
On a different note: Donn invited me to spend Thanksgiving with his family. Do I run now or quietly slink away? His mother's first questions were apparently:

A) How many piercings does she have?

B) So, what's her real name? No, really, what is it?

This should be fun.

Happiness Runs

Happiness Runs: "Happiness Runs"
Happiness runs in a circular motion
Thought is but a little boat upon the sea
You can be a part of anything, anywhere
You can be a part if you let yourself be.

Happiness runs, happiness runs, happiness
Happiness runs, happiness runs runs.
Happiness runs, happiness runs, happiness
Happiness runs, happiness runs runs.

Little pebble upon the sand
Now you’re lying here in my hand
How many years have you been here?

Little human upon the sand
From where I’m lying here in you hand
You to me are but a passing breeze

The sun will always shine where you stand
Depending in which land you may find yourself
Now you have my blessing, go your way

Happiness runs in a circular motion
Thought is but a little boat upon the sea
All our souls are deeper than you can see
You can have everything if you let yourself be

Happiness runs, happiness runs, happiness
Happiness runs, happiness runs runs.
Happiness runs, happiness runs, happiness
Happiness runs, happiness runs runs.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

More tales of Indiana Strangeness

So after class the girls and I went to what I think is the only sex store in Bloomington I mean yeah there's College Adult Books store. But not another "sex shop". Anyway, I was disturbed and awed. First the awe, they had wow fettish shoes like the kind definetly NOT made for walking and they carry shoe sizes up to size fourteen and they carry plus size lingerie (which if IN is the what 3rd? fattest state in the nation they better) Now for the disturbing part, I've never seen so many vibrators made to look as absolutle realistic as unnaturally possible, one had special up down rubbing motion (for what? Practicing your handjob?) And they had not one kind but SIX different variets of cocks the width and length of my calf. You're going to put WHAT WHERE? And they had a GIWTF doll: Granny-I-Want-To-Fuck, Love Ewe I can deal with, blow up Granny? Oh, dear God. Anyway, I just wanted to share. You all take care now! - Creators Syndicate - Creators Syndicate: "My mind is a little bent and my heart is a little broken this morning." Wow. Molly Ivins is one of my favorite writers. And I just can't understand how, even with and administration as bad as this one is, this is happening. We have really sunk to the bottom of the international pile. I know that this is no news to most of us. But I always hoped that maybe it would turn out to be not so bad as I thought it was. But no, we are just as bad as the Nazi's. We are because our country should know better. We have museums and monuments and whole educational programs aimed at making us learn about the past so that we aren't doomed to repeat it. But here we are, torturing people secretly. Hiding the fact from our citizens. How are we supposed to have any say in this. Our government believes that it is above the law. The law defines the government, if we do not follow the law then there is anarchy.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Auto Lust

Ya, you guys have your men but soon. Very SOON I will have lasting love (relatively): A new car! A new mechanical half that will take me places I could never go alone! It will protect me from the rain, sleet & snow! Keep me safe while I snooze in the trunk! It will leap forward at my urging to crush all silly mid life crisisers out the green light gate!

As soon as I find and name my new love I will post pictures. tee he he.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Transportation to the Wedding

I am off on Saturday so I am able to attend the wedding. However, I do work the next day-either at 10 or 2. So, if someone is coming back to the city, be it Saturday night or earlier Sunday morning that would be superb. If this someone's intention, then please call me to let me know. ASAP. Thanks. If not then I may have to skip it or I can try to work something out.

The Fella

Okay, Okay. His name is Donn and he works at Whole Foods. I normally don't do the work place romance on purpose, but it kinda came outta nowhere. He's 28 and doesn't have his head up his butt-as far as I can tell. Chemska has met him and approves. It was cute...We hung out one day and we were talking about how we are the last to know if someone is into us. Then later, after watching a movie he turned to me and said:"so, remember what we were talking about earlier?" To which I shyly replied: "No." he then said: "well, I like you and I think you're pretty." And then I turned 15 years old again and replied:" I like you and think you're pretty too." "Um, I mean handsome." tee hee hee. It's so cute I want to vomit. I love the fall!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

My Poles Are Off

Aren't you supposed to become "twitter-pated" in the springtime? Why does it always happen to me in October or November? I'm truly not complaining, he is a lovely gentleman-type fella. AND doesn't talk non-stop without bothering to break for listening. Oh...and smart...and geeky, just the way I like 'em! Yay. I guess I'll have someone to cuddle this winter.
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