Sunday, October 29, 2006

So I was in DC...

for the Federal Documents Librarian's Conference and I got to tour around the city a bit. First off I was slightly disappointed with the conference, I'm sure they have comment cards somewhere and I should fill one out. Anyway, it was alright. I went to a gentleman's presentation of his collection of data which he then used a I quote "secret formula" of asterisks and true false questions to arrive at his conclusion, okay...hmm. Anyway and then there was a presentation on "Security Issues After 9/11", which I feel the need to point out that that topic is sooo passe. Turns out that only one of the presenters had a good case for security she worked at a military library. Fine, the rest were academic librarians who thought the public were dirty and didn't want to have to give them access. They basically wanted total control over their behavior or to drop their federal depository status so they didn't have to let the public in the first place. Now, WHY FOR FUCKS SAKE DID YOU BECOME A LIBRARIAN IN THE FIRST PLACE IF YOU DON'T WANT TO PROVIDE ACCESS!?!?!?! Jesus H. Christ on a Bicycle! What the hell!?!

Okay there were some good presentations, I enjoyed the one on blogging. Though some people were like blogs suck get a wiki. But whatever, there were also interesting presentations on the congressional serial set and future web harvesting projects... Ha! I just saw your eyes glaze over!

Anyway, I also toured a little of DC, who's new motto should be "Welcome to DC, please step away." I mean you know they always wanted to, but now our capital treats every citizen like a suspect and groups of them like cattle. You need a ticket to enter the capital, you have to enter through the servant's entrance at the capital, library of congress and national archives. It's just disgusting. Any while I'm sure it sucks to be a local at the peak of tourist season, the only thing I can say is just lobby for them to move all the tourist sights somewhere else then. I mean do you really think any member of congress even sets foot in any of the Smithsonian buildings? And I bet they wouldn't know art if it Van Gogh smacked them upside the head with an ear.

On the lighter side here is a pidgin with a mini-camera:

If you do go to Washington though, I highly recommend the National Portrait Gallery. Their Civil War exhibit is really neat as is all the other pieces. AND, they have the NICEST staff, the guards said hello, they guy in the gift shop was friendly and the guards who search your bags are nice too (everyone else is really surly). Which I'm sure has something with it to do with the building not being on the Mall so they don't see as many idiots. Hey, I understand how it works the more people you meet the more assholes/idiots you run in to. But, yeah, I really liked the Portrait Gallery...AND you get to enter through the front door!


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