Saturday, April 29, 2006

Plug for movie

Hey everybody, I don't think I've laughed so much as something intelligent in a long time. A group of friends and I went out to see "Thank you for Smoking" it's great. Anyway I'm glad I got to hang out with you all last weekend. Things are very slow down here with my last assignment due and I'm putzin around because I'm not sure how to complete it. Oh, the joys of programming. So much to learn in so little time.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

One Red Paperclip

Hey Romi! Remember when I told you about the guy who was trading up to a free house starting with one red paperclip? Well he just traded up from a year of free rent to an afternoon with Alice Cooper! It's just crazy how quickly he has done this. Check it out: BoingBoings write up of the latest trade, One Red Paperclip.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


So my temp agency hasn't forgotten me, I may have an interview coming up for a job that will last several months for $15 an hour. good good.
For everyone who met Hector, he said you were nice, but talked too fast, which is why he was looking around alot. I told the fool he just had to tell us to slow down, I knew he knew the words you were using.
He was also distracted because he had alot on his mind. Afterward we went to my house where he tried to break up with me, because his parents are getting divorced finally and he wants to go help his mom. She is happy but depressed because she is finally free from her shady, cheating, abusive drunk of a husband, (who is coincidentally now living on Hector's couch) but she is also living in a tiny village in the mountains with not alot of job prospects and two underage boys still living at home. (there's no alimony in Mexico, if you want support, you stay with the idiot you married) He doesn't think a long distance relationship would work and I might marry someone else. I told him how improbable it would be that I would get married. So today I've been looking for jobs in Mexico and I found one for an American law firm, the only requirements are that I have a paralegal degree and a broadband connection so I can work from home, but I have to live in Mexico, so... Hector suggested that we rent an apartment in the city for my internet, and live in his house on weekends. Living in a city will also enable him to get a decent job so he can help his mom. Yay! La Mija prevails again!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

plans for R-mania 2006?

Do y'all want to go out Friday night or just head to Greg's? Want me to make breakfast Saturday or go out?


Monday, April 17, 2006

Hi everybody. I hope you are all ready for a Saturday of Art, walking and free munchies! And if you want to see something special come in May for the Fulton County Fair. My uncle is in charge of the Combine Demolition Derby! YeeHa y'all!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Japanese How To videos

Check 'em out.

Includes everything from making better tofu to how to stop babies from crying. Worthwhile if for no other reason than the looks of wonder on the faces of the participants.

Monday, April 10, 2006

My Week

Well Hazel I'm glad your back. I'm sorry your Honda died, I'll order a round of drinks on its behalf. So over the past two weeks I'd say little things have been building up in my head. Negative things about how I am and how people around me react to it and then my reaction to them and if I could possible change. And I finally decieded yesterday that I couldn't really ever completely change. I mean I try to be polite and well behave but you know if you bottle it up for too long without an outlet I just explode ever once in a while. Like a pressure cooker with a faulty lid. So I decided it was best to just kill myself and get it over with. But I got a second opinion from Greg and then took a nap and ran some errands. And I thought about my meds, because I hadn't been taking the full dose and I thought about what I was taking them for. And I came to a realization. I'm not taking my meds for depression. I'm taking them to give me the extra umph to not give a fuck. When I take the full dose people reactions and stupidity doesn't get to me as much. I'm not taking medication for my self, not because something is wrong with me. But because the world is really fucked up and the meds help me not care as much so I can get on with my life and take over the government. Joy.

life updates

1. Back from South Dakota safely. Woo hoo!
2. My little Honda died. It now lives in the scrap yard of some guy in the NW suburbs. I miss you already, lil' darlin...
3. My brother sent me the first three episodes of the Sopranos' new season. YES!
4. Now that it is warm enough to open the windows and turn off the heat many house related things have happened or will be happening. Namely, we moved the THREE litterboxes for our FOUR cats out of the kitchen and into the basement. The litter scatter was driving me buggy. Also, I'm going to be using the heat gun to get paint off my trim and refinish some furniture. And painting...lots of painting.

How was everyone's week?

Sunday, April 09, 2006

From Boing Boing

This is an awesome paper, scientist making predictions about where the scientific world is going. It really is very unreal to read about this stuff.

Edge 179: "Science came into its own when it managed to refuse the subjective and embrace the objective. The repeatability of an experiment by another, perhaps less enthusiastic, observer was instrumental in keeping science rational. But as science plunges into the outer limits of scale – at the largest and smallest ends – and confronts the weirdness of the fundamental principles of matter/energy/information such as that inherent in quantum effects, it may not be able to ignore the role of observer. Existence seems to be a paradox of self-causality, and any science exploring the origins of existence will eventually have to embrace the subjective, without become irrational. The tools for managing paradox are still undeveloped."

Friday, April 07, 2006

LaRoux Recommends!

I now have the bruises that come with LaRoux's laughter.

You might appreciate this

I know it changed my life.

It's Unanimous!

Marie has been voted onto the blog. I will be sending her invitation shortly.

I'm Comming To Minnesota!

So, I got the schedule for the St. Paul Art Crawl and was like HOLY SHIT I can't miss that! Yet I completely forgot about easter, but that's what my Mom's for. Anyway I come into town at like 10:15pm on Friday April 21 at the Amtrak station. I leave on Monday and that's what I scheduled my classes like that for. He he he. So if anyone wants to house the Rhianna and go to the Art Crawl with Rhianna let the Rhianna know. My mom wants to go too.

Oh I just thought this was funny. Some one created a car alarm for their iBook so you cannot move it with out the computer throwing a hissy fit. Mac Jackings It has a remote and sounds and blinks like a car alarm.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


So I have a couple aquaintences here that really drive me nuts with their offhand remarks. Last night I was called an "anti-establishment type" because I didn't want to go to Applebee's. EXCUSE ME if I don't like applebee's because I don't like their menu selection, their food gives me gut rot, I feel the need to shower when I'm done eating there and they have the magical ability of putting a thimble amount of margharita drink in a fishbowl sized glass and charge you seven dollars for it. Calling me anti-establishment for that is only an idiot talking out of their ass and what is anti-establishment anyway? I shop at establishments all the time. The co-op is a food establishment the school I'm paying through the nose to go to is an establishment I drive a car made by an established or established auto maker. So what the fuck. You know there may be good reason to call me a Ball Breaking Pinko Commie Feminist but its NOT because I don't want to eat at Applebees. Fuckers.

Boolean Operators

Boolean Operators are not the most exciting of subjects I know but as I have been wondering the informatonal maze that is the plethera of databased available at IU I've become slightly disturbed by the lack of consistancy in research options. As you may or may not know google inserts "and" inbetween every word you type in its research text box. But you can't write it yourself, you get a little admonishment when the results are posted. But you cant you just "or" or "not" you must use a "-" for not. What kind of shit is that? Do you realize the next generation of researchers will think "-" means "not" and the impact this will have on future research. Because children don't have access to proper databases until the pay for them they just get Google. It is thier introduction to the world of basic searchs. Though I know that don't think that way. And then what they learn from it will be carried by them for the rest of their lives, BUT THEIR WRONG! And their mass of mis-information will then become reality based purly on the fact there are so many who think that way. I wish I had that kind of mind power. Anyway the link is this little Boolean Operator Intro Movie and I think its funny.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Good News/OK News

My taxes are done. My taxes are done. My taxes are done.
But I still owe for last year so there's nothing coming back. Except for my renter's credit and that's a nice little chunk. Still better than a kick in the face.

Memories, in the corner of my mind!

I was cleaning out old files from my section of the file server at work and I found my first review. For the most part it was pretty normal review BS, but the last couple of questions at the end always throw me for a loop. "What are some personal talents or skills that you have?" and "Do you have any additional thoughts or comments that you would like to make?". Now these are perfectly reasonable and justifiable questions for any sociopathic middle manager to make on an employee review and expect to get answers from their vaguely intimidated employees.

I just couldn't do it.

So, I did what I always do: I made it into a joke.

1. I speak halting German, I sing as much as people around me can possibly stand, I burst into flames with the greatest of ease. I know how to put out most types of fires without panicking too much. I have won awards for ice carving and that is as much as I can think of.

2. I love my work. Beep.

Some day I am going to write the funniest review that anyone has ever read. I keep thinking of alternative answers:

Question 1:
  • Speak Klingon fluently. KAPLAH!
  • I could show you my talents, but then I'd have to kill you.
  • If you promise not to level sexual harrasment charges at me like the last time. I'll show you skills that'll make your hair curl, big boy. All your hair.
  • saying nothing and staring into the distance, the desk levitates 3 feet off the ground and bursts into flames

Question 2:
  • I am untroubled by any extraneous thoughts and the compulsion to speak has been completely eliminated since I started here.
  • I would enjoy these reviews more if you would wear the harness and had me wear one of those masks.
  • I'm all out of crack. Can I smoke some of the primo stuff that you've been using

Monday, April 03, 2006

America get over it.

So I've dealt with Daylight Savings Time for most of my life. But I still think its inane, so I took great joy this fall in not doing anythinig to my clocks. For Indiana in it's one moment on sanity chose to not participate in daylight savings time. (like the rest of the universe) Until this last legislative session when some nonsensical group of assholes got Indiana to observe daylight savings time. I hope they miss all important meetings for the next year and get syphilis.

Also I would like to also state at this time:Just use METRIC people America lost the measurment wars now convert and get over it. I don't understand this need to be absurdly different in ordinary instances that just make life harder. Like my knitting needles, are measured in millimeters everywhere (including Canada), but in America they're given arbritrary number which have no meaning whatsoever, like shoe sizes and dress sizes. For fucks sake people! USE METRIC AND GET OVER IT!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Well. Apparently the last time I wrote an entry, I was too high to hit the post button. Anyway, I ended up in the hospital in St. Lucia because of my face. Now I have "face shrinking" pills, I'm tired and high all the time, hence my inability to post what I write on here. 4 days later (?) My face is almost back to normal except for some scars. I've been hiding my face with a scarf and dark glasses, I'm really starting to hate the 100+ valley girls on this boat. I got drunk with pirates in Barbados, while we sailed around the coast. (Pirates drink because it cures seasickness) There's a storm right now and the rocking is pissing me off. I think we're heading for Puerto Rico.
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