Friday, March 31, 2006

babies laughing - Google Video

Cold from hell...

So I've decided that childern are to colds what rats were to the black plague. I think I picked up something from a midget while playing lazertag last sunday. damn bastards. Ever since sunday I've had a real bad sore throat. But I can handle that. Then on thursday its like the freakin hoover damn burst in my sinuses and I couldn't even sit through class thursday night because I rapidly used all the tissues I brought and had to keep getting up to get toilet paper to blow my nose. Needless to say my nose looks like a cherry tomato planted in the middle of my face today. Toilet paper is not good tissue paper. Well unless you get that stuff with aloe. So last night and today I took a plethora of drugs: nyquil, sudafed, theraflu and some of my moms prescription allergy med she left from when I moved here. I was determined to flush the little invading suckers out with drugs. Man did I sleep alot! And whoa were the dreams vivid. I can't remember any of them, I just remember waking up and being really confused I wasn't living somewhere else and other such things. So I finally left the house at 3:30 to pay my rent and run some errands. Larry needed food, so I got him a new collar and a cat tag and damn if I could remember my own phone number. Fourty minutes of errands totally wiped me out, I almost snapped the video clerks head off when he tried to get me to buy another movie. I miss you all.

So now Larry is microchipped and tagged with a little bell (which will probably come off soon) poor cat can't sneeze with out someone knowing about it. Like he really gives a shit anyhow.

I have the dumbest person in one of my classes. This individual refused to believe that economics was a social science...because it wasn't on their list. Must've gotten into grad school on the special ed ticket. Some people just drive me nuts.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

My first sweater

So I finished my first sweater. Actually I finished this the day before St. Patrick's Day and then wore it when we went drinking. Do you know I get done with school the first week in May? Holy Shit Batman! I'm halfway through. So I may get a job, I'm taking one summer class and I swear I'm going to get my pilots licence this summer,maybe, but I should come up to MN for a couple of weeks eh?

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


So, starting tomorrow I'm going to be in South Dakota for the forseeable future. I do get to come back this weekend. So that's nice.

Also, the Druid and I just realized I have not had a yearly review or raise in THREE YEARS.
I'm somewhere in the West Indies at the moment. Once again I passed out on a beach, this time proving that it is possible to sunburn your forehead so badly that it can swell. Its pushing my eyes slanty. I was hopping around telling the woman about how I could be the next elephant man and she could finally make a profit off her little freak. The woman grew tired of hearing it so she held me down and fed me a sedative. This upset me, so I escaped the boat, and got lost on the island. I think it was St. Martin because the locals were speaking french. I rented a wave runner from a hot french guy and drove around the island until I found the boat again. I burned my legs so badly I had to limp back onto the boat. The woman asked me what I had learned.
So I'm having a good time, the woman has learned that I drink more when she's not behaving, so she's trying to mitigate it.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

The perks of volunteering

So I've just been a volunteering fiend this last week. I worked at the Pages for Prisoners Project on Thursday and I sorted books for the InULA (no I don't remember what it stands for) annual book sale. And oh my god. We got to pick out two to three books for helping. I found a near mint condition first paperback edition of Slaughterhouse Five! Sweet! So yeah, I'm keeping busy I hope you all are doing well. Love you.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Boing Boing: Comic advises women to call anti-abortion Senator to make their choices

Boing Boing: Comic advises women to call anti-abortion Senator to make their choices: "Comic advises women to call anti-abortion Senator to make their choices
The Minimum Security webcomic sends up South Dakota Senator Bill Napoli, who helped push through the state ban on abortion. It features a woman unable to choose what sort of salad dressing to have, who calls up Napoli's office to get him to make the choice for her -- the strip includes his office and home phone numbers in case you want to try, too. Link (Thanks, Steeltoe!) "

I feel inquisitive. I don't know about you, but I have plenty of questions that I need answered and I think that someone who has the answers for a whole gender should be able to answer a few of mine.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

My "man hating" continues...

Celebrate Blog against the Straw Feminist Week

This is a stich.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

From 5ives

5ives: "Five ways your histrionic anti-abortion friend might refer to a fetus
November 15th, 2005

1. pre-huggable cutiebunchkins
2. unrealized attorney
3. The Lord’s compulsory intercourse receipt
4. untapped angel cluster
5. ante-baptized believer cells"

I have a use for a rapist

So I get the NARAL newsletter via e-mail and understandably they are upset about the new South Dakota law. I'm upset about it but was not raving mad until I read this quote from a SD Senator:

State Sen. Bill Napoli (R-Rapid City) gave this shocking description of the circumstances under which he thinks abortion should still be permissible when he told The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer:

"A real-life description to me would be a rape victim, brutally raped, savaged. The girl was a virgin. She was religious. She planned on saving her virginity until she was married. She was brutalized and raped, sodomized as bad as you can possibly make it, and is impregnated. I mean, that girl could be so messed up, physically and psychologically, that carrying that child could very well threaten her life."

Immediately all I could think of doing was breaking into this man's house and sodomizing the mother fucker until he was left crying like a little boy in a puddle of his own bodily fluids. And then I thought that was stupid... I could get someone else to do it. There has to be a rapist for hire since there is certainly no shortage of sick fuckers out there anyway.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Thanks for Listening

Okay, guys, I'm really starting to hate my job (more than usual). The hours have always sucked, but I liked the people. Now my coworkers (staff, not fairies) are turning into catty gossip fiends. So the other day, my boss (who likes to tell me EVERTHING about his life, but I don't always like to reciprocate) asked me if I had a boyfriend. I said no, because its none of his goddamned business anyway, and there were people around, and I didn't feel like talking about it because said information would not be well received, given where said significant other is employed. A few days later, Pete (boss) said someone had snitched one me, and I had lied to him about having a boyfriend. Also that I would be in trouble if Hector was ever late or skipped work, apparently because we are joined at the hip and I am his keeper. Note: If Hector is ever sick, he sends his brother in to do it. A rarity, as most fairies just make us take care of it. This unfair assumption is being cast on me because Andy's dumbass psycho cambodian bitch always calls in sick when Andy is off. Oh, and after noticing my dumbstruck expression that turned into one of anger, Pete added that I should make sure I don't get pregnant. If there was ever a time to get out, nows the fucking time.
So. Today I was offered a contract position doing legal work for a recording studio. It would pay $10 an hour, full time, but only last 4 months. I make $14 an hour now, with job security. Do I stay or go?

Hello Malta!

In case you guys missed it, we had a visitor from another country the other day. The stats system that tracks our site has recorded someone from Malta looking for "Fenales for friends". Just thought you would like to know. Malta is pretty cool sounding from the Wikipedia entry.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Drama, Oh so much Drama.

What is it about the workplace that just brrreeeds drama. Oh how it oozes at every cubicle's cheap fabric-covered corners. Oh how it festers as it lay buried under mounds of paperwork. Oh how it drapes itself like a whore on top of the fax machine all tarted up with push-pins and
post-its. Seedy and vile it lurks deep within the recesses of the gate-keeping receptionist's black soul.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Journey to an imaginary land

Amanda Spielman is tricky. She's spreading informational pamphlets about an imaginary land populated mostly by secular humanists where the main industries are wine making and book binding.

Zochnee get the boat! Rumi get the books! Hazel grab us some booze! RikkiRoo cancel my appointments!
New Ephemera or Bust!

(via the BLDGBLOG )

Monday, March 13, 2006


I have added statistics to our site! Just click the site tracker image at the bottom of the page and you can see them.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Morbidly Fascinated

Milgram experiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "The Milgram experiment (Obedience to Authority Study) was a famous scientific experiment of social psychology. The experiment was first described by Stanley Milgram, a psychologist at Yale University in an article titled Behavioral Study of Obedience published in the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology in 1963, and later discussed at book length in his 1974 Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View. It was intended to measure the willingness of a participant to obey an authority who instructs the participant to do something that may conflict with the participant's personal conscience."

This is something that I think I spoke with a couple of you about, I am sure Rumi is familiar with it. It makes for some really good Saturday afternoon reading and makes me think about myself and how I go about things. When I look around and don't like what I see I also have to look at myself and see what I don't like there as well. Because most of us do things for reasons we don't even understand.

I do tend to dwell on the morbid though, don't I? I actually was reminded of this by a post on one of my favorite DHAK blogs, Velcrometer, which is done by a Mpls native.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The Woman

That Harley guy is Fantastic.
My brother is moving to Japan, so the woman is all excited that her grandchildren are going to be Mexican and Japanese, (I think the woman switched her meds again, because this statement obviously came out of some sort of opium haze) I think she decided that this would finally give her some ammo against her very racist and very abrasive deceased father-in-law. Hector still won't meet her, I accidentally told him that she had said he probably doesn't even like me, he just wants to stay here. I have since been trying to mitigate that by saying that she says things all the time, and she's crazy, but he's not buying it. She also asked what his real name was and how long he's been one step ahead of El Migre. I told her he hasn't seen his mom in 6 years so he really wants to go home, but I suggested he wait a bit to see what happens with us. The Woman hissed that I was an evil girl for doing this.
"He's probably depressed, let the boy go see his mum."
"But then he can't come back."
"See how lucky you are?"
Anyway, after this discussion, she took me swimsuit shopping, and I got mine. I made sure to prance around as she pursed her lip and sneered at the 3 way mirror.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Fabulous Pictures

So last night I watched "Harley Davidson and the Marlborol Man". Not the best flick, however, after watching Ultraviolet the bar has be greatly reduced. Greg, remember "Orgy of the Dead"? Yes, even it was better than Ultraviolet. I went for a friend who is the biggest Mila fan I've ever met, so we went and suffered as a group. On the way home Cate was having PTSD and kept mumbling "90 minutes of my life I can NEVER get back." Anyway back to "Harley Davidson" a young Mickey Rourke in leather pants for an hour and a half is something I can DEFINITLY sit through. So afterwards I decided to get some pics of Mickey in leather for my desktop and I found fucking gold.

I showed it to Cate today and it is highly addictive. They even group pictures according to fetish. Specticles, Wet, Bare Foot, etc. I'm a happy happy little girl with hot men to look at and a fresh pack of batteries baby!

Here is my new favorite man:

Anyway, I thought I'd share, 'cause I love you guys.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Word Dissasociation

From the

My Black Clothing Is Really Getting Good Use

So, just when things had started to arrive at "normal"... My uncle dies on Friday, March 3 sometime in the morning. They are performing an autopsy. We surmise that he drank himself to death, or drank himself so incapacitated that he couldn't move to puke or whatever and choked on it.
This comes exactly 3 weeks to the day after my Grandmother died. I don't know what we are going to do about my Grandfather. He's blind, just lost his wife of 51 years, and now has lost his youngest son.
I had a similar situation a few years back. My Nanny (maternal grandmother) died in 1999 on December 2nd, and two years later on December 7th my uncle (maternal also) died. He also had a drinking issue.
Can I stop being tested now? How much more before I prove my strength? (Those queries are more rhetorical than anything.)
Anyways, love you all very much!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Strange Thoughts

Sometimes I'm afraid that there is a trap door in the back of my head that will pop open at any moment and allow my brains to leak out.

I think the cockatiels are plotting against me.

I know the birds outside my house took my mulch for nesting.

I think there are pro-fat gnomes which inject you will celluloid while you sleep.

I'm afraid Christianity (or NASCAR) is going to take over the world and make it a more boring place to live.

I'd like to see wind propelled vehicles travelling down the freeway as a viable mode of transportation.

I'd like to see GW be attacked by angry prairedogs.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Holy Sh*t!!

Via BoingBoing: There is a female blogger who has posted instructions on how to give an abortion in reaction to the possibility of abortions being banned in South Dakota.

I certainly hope that this will make South Dakota lawmakers see that banning abortion does not stop abortion any more than prohibition stopped people from drinking. And that the real solution is:
1. Sex Education, make sure people know how to avoid getting pregnant.
2. Contraception, freely or cheaply available to anyone who wants it.
3. Economic support for single mothers and low income families.
4. Free pre and post natal care for children of economically disadvantaged families.
As Hazel has often told me, until we get support and prevention for these people we won't be seeing the rate of undesired pregnancies drop. Although I am sure that I have not even come close to listing everything that needs to happen before we can even think about not having abortions be an option. For one thing, who said we could make this choice for any woman?

Thank you Molly for standing up for women everywhere and telling people exactly what the consequences of short sighted lawmaking are.

My god, what have they done?
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